This was the best price that I found on Allimed from an authorized seller. Beware of knockoffs that are for sale online and buy only from the manufacturer's authorized resellers. Also do not be fooled into buying a garlic supplement; a garlic supplement is not allicin. My one complaint is shipping: Allimed has to be kept refrigerated and my bottles arrived with a tiny ice pack that was completely warm. I surely hope that the efficacy of this very expensive supplement was not ruined. I am taking this product per Dr. Siebecker's protocol for SIBO: Allicin 1 capsule 4x a day plus Neem 1 capsule 4x a day for 30-days. Allicin is the herbal equivalent to the prescription antibiotic Rifaximin. Two rounds of Rifaximin did not work for me. The Allicin and Neem along with homemade raw milk kefir and special diet (soft easy to digest foods, total elimination of gluten and sugar and dairy, etc) seems to have me headed in the right direction. I suggest that people follow the protocol of the 4 Rs of Gut Healing: Remove, Replace, Repair, Reinoculate. Google it! I also suggest getting involved with SIBO support groups on Facebook. I learn more from patients than I do from doctors. Good luck.
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Reviewed by: Cheryl from USA.
on 9/4/2018